
[資料] いわゆる”肉焼き”の絵を収蔵している美術館についての調査

Enjoy Koreaで”肉焼き”の話題になると必ずと言って良い程出てくるのが、この絵です。







Eight-panel folding screen: genre scenes
Signed: Kim Hong-do
Korea - Choson period (1392-1908)
18th century
Ink and colors on silk
H: 108 cm; L: (individual panels): 49 cm
Marin donation
MA 2544
This painted silk folding screen is signed Kim Hong-do (1745-1815?). Following the changing cycle of seasons, the artist has delicately depicted scenes from the daily life of the aristocracy during the Choson period. The various panels portray the dignitary in his sedan chair, travelers crossing paths against the backdrop of a landscape, a passing rider who conceals his face behind a fan, a picnic at the foot of a wall. Men and women attend to their affairs, displaying casual courtesy, without the sophisticated air of Chinese courtiers or the elaborate costumes of Japanese aristocrats from the Edo period (18th century). Here, the figures are treated with humor and poetry. Elegant, lively, serene and, above all, unassumingly dressed, they are portrayed in a meticulously handled atmosphere and backdrop of precisely detailed landscape that are the hallmarks of this painter. Kim Hong-do was acknowledged in his lifetime as one of the most celebrated of the "Office of Arts", unfettered by foreign models and one who expressed the full potential of his talent on a human scale.
The screen indeed reflects a novel development. 18th century Korea witnessed the birth of a truly national art, led by the great painter Chong Son (1676-1759), an art which broke away from Chinese influences "imbued with Taoism" and from the highly ornamental compositions of Japanese decorative painters. Regarded as a major 18th century artist, Kim Hong-do emerged as one of the undisputed masters of a specifically Korean school of genre painting, the first no doubt who succeeded in depicting Korea in indigenous terms with such virtuosity. The Korean artists who followed on from him drew their inspiration from their own natural surroundings and their own traditions.
This eight-panelled screen, probably dating from around 1760, is one of the finest painted by Kim Hong-do.



The creation of the Korean Department dates back to the Varat Mission, undertaken in 1888 with the assistance of Collin de Plancy, a French diplomat at the Seoul court. Thanks to its acquisition of a highly eclectic collection of objects, this mission revealed to the public for the very first time a country that had previously been closed to foreigners.
During the inter-war period, growing interest in Japanese civilization led to the removal of the Korean collections from the museum galleries. Subsequently, Korean pieces were acquired via Japan (for instance, the Ulrich Odin collection), or by the 1932 Joseph Hackin Mission to Korea.
In the 1950s, thanks to the Arthur Sachs donation in 1951, and the acquisition of the Densmore collection, an ensemble of Silla (57 BC-668 AD) gold and silverware was built up. A few years later, the Silla crown (MA 1642) - attesting to excavations carried out in Korea during the Japanese period-was acquired in Tokyo in 1954. This was followed by the Kim Hong-do screen (MA 2544), donated in 1962 by Mme. Louis Marin, and the Koryo celadons from the Michel Calmann donation in 1977.
The Korean collection includes some 1000 pieces covering practically all periods. Although there are relatively few specimens of punch’ong, landscapes or scholarly paintings, a major place is devoted to Buddhist art. The extension of the exhibition area from 69 m2 in the 1980s to 360 m2 today, together with new acquisitions such as bronzes from the Koryo period, secular scholarly paintings, or tomb sculptures from the Choson period, have enabled the widest possible panorama of Korean arts to be put on display.



numlk01@調査中 ver.2008.02.20


ubot581|02-20 19:27

食べ物版で論破されたあほうな間抜けがこちらで焼肉, カルビ, キムチが日本の伝統食べ物だとまた捏造を始めましたよね. ^ ^

junna78|02-20 20:48


tenmamm|02-20 19:44

ubot581の反射は相変わらずw 良い結果が出ると良いですねw  

numlk01|02-20 19:49

調理器具については、こちらのスレも参照して下さい。 http://www.enjoykorea.jp/tbbs/read.php?board_id=phistory&nid=91712

amenboakaino|02-20 20:11


yhkdikkyh|02-20 20:39

この位まで行くとおびただしい執着だ. 中スロブスブニだ. あなた職業を求めて. 肉焼き物はどの国になっても良いから.

yhkdikkyh|02-20 20:47

今度は修正か? 良いから. 肉たくさん食べてすくすくとカーソルー, 良い人生されてください. 肉焼き物がどの国の物なことは関係ないんじゃないの? 馬鹿?

numlk01|02-20 20:55


numlk01|02-20 21:02


tenmamm|02-20 21:20

知りたくないんじゃないですかw wikiなんか見ていると中国はあるのにハングルが無い事が良くありますから。

numlk01|02-20 21:23


tenmamm|02-20 21:56


xiaoke|02-20 21:47

壁|v´)ノシ∩ こういう地道且つ将来的には真綿で首を絞めるような外堀埋めって大好き♪

numlk01|02-20 21:50


xiaoke|02-21 00:43

てぃひひひひ♪ どっちかっつーとウリもそういう感じみたいですしw

atomtom|02-20 21:52

煖炉会が慣れない日本人にいくら説明海州も無理であるでしょう. 韓国人は野外旅行に行ってこんなにパーティーをしますね.w 国立中央博物観にも作者未詳のとても似ている絵があります.,

numlk01|02-20 21:53


atomtom|02-20 21:53


atomtom|02-20 21:55


numlk01|02-20 21:56


numlk01|02-20 21:59


dameman_kuga|02-20 23:00

(´_`)> 乙であります。こういう地味な作業の持つ恐さを、韓人は絶対にわからないし、わかろうともしないんですよね。

dameman_kuga|02-20 23:02

(´_`)ノ∩ポチ おっと忘れてたw

numlk01|02-20 23:14


numlk01|02-20 23:21

YHK、暖炉会を料理名と勘違いするの巻w。 http://s01.megalodon.jp/2008-0220-2318-53/www.enjoykorea.jp/tbbs/read.php?board_id=phistory&nid=101030&direct=1

xiaoke|02-21 00:42

numlk01 02-20 23:14>論理的に突き詰めていった結果、誰もしくは何が炎上しようとも割りと知ったこっちゃなくてーw

hiroshimania|02-21 02:13


yamato2007|02-21 02:29

今後の展開に期待して 推薦 ポチットな

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